Ensure you are in the Ohio (us-east-2) region as the AWS Lambda Java binaries are in an S3 bucket there and will not work in any other regions.
Make sure you are logged in with your AWS credentials.
Click here to launch the Cloudformation Stack in us-east-2
region :
For reference, the cloudformation template URL is (https://search-sa-log-solutions.s3-us-east-2.amazonaws.com/flowlogs/templates/json/flowlogs-aes-kickoff-stack)
You will see the input screen like below, click “Next”
Use “flowlogs” for the stack name and click “Next”
Review the options and then scroll down to the “Capabilities” section. Check off both boxes and then click “Create stack”.
Once they complete, you should see something like this:
Click on the “flowlogs” stack details to reveal the following screen:
Copy those details to a notepad / text file so that you can use them in follow on configurations.
Navigate to the “flowlogs-elasticsearch-*” stack and copy the following parameter to your notepad / text file: